Saturday, November 24, 2007

I'm home..

Yup, feels good to be back. Senangnya, kembali menapak di tanah Sumatera… Emh, hey.. wait.. saya rasa saya belum benar-benar menapakkan kaki saya di tanah Sumatera deh.. Secara sejak nyampe Palembang hari Selasa kemaren, saya gak pernah keluar rumah tanpa sendal atau sepatu. Hold on a second will ya..

(a few minutes later)

Okey, it’s done. Sekarang baru saya benar-benar merasakan tanah Sumatera di telapak kaki saya. Setelah nyari-nyari lokasi dimana ada tanah di belakang rumah. Soalnya it’s nearly impossible to be on the frontyard, without having my socks on my feet. Hehe.. Saya baru nyadar kalo hampir semua tanah di dalam pagar rumah –orangtua- saya sudah ditutupi, baik oleh semen (most of them, really) atau oleh rumput.. Well, it feels warm.. Sekarang baru ngerasa puas. –okay now, stop worrying about stupid details. Start talking about something important, please!—

Well, let me think..

Hmm, got nothing in mind..



Do we have to talk about something important?

Okay, since I feel rather stupid now, and also being annoyed with the fact that I really want to continue reading that Harry Potter book, I guess…

That’s all folks!

-gee, it seems like I got contaminated with the book, the Harry Potter book. It’s in English you know, and I started to talk in English all the time! Even my heart and my brain are discussing things in English! Weird.. Watermelon deh! ^_^-

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